Imagine navigating a world where new emerging technologies not only facilitate your work and reshape your entire industry but AI replaces the human factor in different fields.
A world where shifting populations transform the cities you live in and the markets you engage with. Where the average age group is growing older dominated by the + 55 gens. Where the creation and development of a parallel, digital worlds will have the same characteristics as the physical world. Where climate change, political and economic crises are pushing millions of people around the world to migrate. Where the effects of the loss in social cohesion and the faith in democracy, leads to a decrease in interdependence between countries and a growth in hyper-localization. Where the transition from an anthropocentric civilization with man at the center of the universe to an ecocentric vision in which every living being on the planet takes on the same value. Where economies based on the exclusive use of renewable biological resources, but also the growth of research in the fields of biotechnology and synthetic biology and sustainability will be the key driver. Where mix of cultures as well as gender fluidity and inclusivity will finally change the stereotyped gender labels.
We are looking at a new future where resilience and perserverence are the new safe values of the 3rd millennium.