The common denominator for 26.1 is undoubtedly a sense of “Fear” but with an optimistic and curious attitude! The fear of an uncertain future and renewed global conflicts, the impact of climate change, the discovery of new and unknown viruses, the unknown impact of A.I. These are just some of the drivers that are influencing the contemporary consumer in making often extreme choices. Hence, we are influenced by new dystopian visions, images of dark and post-apocalyptic worlds, of mutations and deformed inhuman creatures, that seem to lose their creepy status by taking on a cathartic and almost reassuring value. Interesting is the re-definition of “beautiful,” of gender stereotypes, of inclusivity, of the “woke” culture. There is a renewed interest in seduction, in the freedom and openness to display the body with a certain naive and fetish passion. These are the new parameters of a more modern aesthetic but with a strong and positive vision filled with dreams and ready to welcome new future worlds.